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22 Jan

A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day

A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?”

The crow answered: “Sure, why not.”

So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the  crow, and rested.

All of a sudden, a fox appeared….

Jumped on the rabbit… and ate it.

Moral of the story is….

To be sitting and doing nothing

you must be sitting very, very high up.

Donkey For Sale : A Mulla Nasruddin Story

21 Jan

Mulla Nasrudin had a good-for-nothing donkey. The donkey was wild, unruly, lazy, and obstinate and would not obey Mulla Nasrudin and all efforts to train the donkey failed. Soon the donkey became such a nuisance that Nasrudin and his wife were fed up of the donkey and wanted to get rid of it, so they decided to sell off their useless donkey and purchase a good one.

So Mulla Nasrudin took his good-for-nothing donkey to the weekly fair where animals were bought and sold by auction.

“I want to sell this good-for-nothing, lazy, useless, disobedient donkey,” Mulla Nasrudin shouted.

A man offered five hundred rupees and Nasrudin was delighted to get this unexpected prize for his useless donkey.

Mulla Nasrudin roamed around the fair and suddenly he saw a huge crowd around an auctioneer who was auctioning a handsomely decked-up donkey wearing a crown.

The auctioneer talked about the donkey’s strong muscles, “look how strong and supple this donkey is – it is so hardy that it can wok tirelessly for hours carrying heavy loads. An excellent beast of burden.”

Someone bid one thousand rupees.

“What? Only a thousand rupees for such an intelligent donkey? You can train him to anything you want and he will learn in a minute. This is a most gentle donkey. Just look at his eyes. You know he’s a wonderful donkey. You can let him carry your children home with full knowledge of the fact that this kind animal will protect them from any harm. For he is a strong loyal friend…” the auctioneer said.

Someone bid three thousand rupees.

The auctioneer continued talking about the donkey’s value and and as he laid it thick and praised the donkey’s qualities the bids started going higher and higher.

The auctioneer went on and on extolling the donkey’s virtues which so impressed Mulla Nasrudin that he suddenly bid ten thousand rupees, won the bid and bought the donkey.

He triumphantly led his prize donkey home and told his wife that he had sold their good-for-nothing useless donkey for rupees five hundred and bought this wonderful new donkey for ten thousand rupees.

Nasrudin’s wife had a close look, realized that the decked-up donkey Nasrudin had bought was their own lazy good-for-nothing donkey and was furious with Mulla Nasrudin and shouted at him, “are you crazy Nasrudin. This is our own useless donkey – you sold it for five hundred rupees and bought it back for ten thousand rupees?”

A stunned, bewildered and baffled Mulla Nasrudin looked closely at the donkey for some time, then recovered his wits, and said, “Maybe I did not appreciate the true worth of my donkey until the auctioneer explained it…”

It’s true, isn’t it?
Sometimes we don’t realize the value of what we have or the worth of those close to us, till someone else appreciates it.

There is a saying in hindi: “Ghar ki Murgi Dal barabar…”
It’s high time to introspect and realise the worth of our near and dear loved ones and friends and value the things that we already possess.

Business & HR’s Frustration with each Other..!!

23 Dec


Pinal Mehta

A Worker’s Plea

15 Dec


HR Stories :- Test of Communications Skills

3 Dec

It was a hot meeting at the office conference hall. All the people from the department had been called. The VP was looking much tensed.

The mood was so bad. My friend asked me – “Hey, what is this meeting all about? I told – May be they will decide on when to have the next meeting.

People around smiled at each other. Then the VP started talking. It was about the recent attrition rate that was so high. Around 10 people had put in their papers. All experienced guys. It was quarter end and so work was huge. If we do not complete the work on time, we need to be paying heavy penalty said the VP.

The VP turned to the manager and told “Hey – take how much ever resources you want. Recruit or take them from other departments. But complete the work in another 25 days. Take people and complete it man.

To this the sweet manager replied “Sir! Give me one wife and nine months and I shall show you results. Don’t give me nine wives and one month. I cannot do anything.” Everyone looked at him blank.

The VP was not prepared for this answer. We looked at the manager and thought “What an Awesome Reply man!”

Sach Ka Samna – “Leadership Scruples”

19 Nov

I’ve been watching an “Bindaas TV series where they ask Teenagers and on-goers a Morally / Ethically Challenging Question to answer. It’s a fascinating study of human behavior. Everyday people are secretly filmed in situations where they are faced with a choice.When I saw the last one, I thought it might be interesting to resurrect an old game known as “Scruples”, and create a “Leadership Scruples” game, or a series of workplaceWhat Would You Do” scenarios for leaders. Actually, it doesn’t have to be for just formal leaders… anyone can play… I’ve just tried to give it a leadership slant to better fit the purpose of this blog.

Here are some Questions, Let See if you can answer them:

1. You’re at a hotel and conference center. You’ve arrived to your meeting early, and have not have a chance to eat breakfast yet. On your way to your meeting room, you walk by another meeting and there’s a table full of food and beverages outside the room. Your meeting has no food. Would you help yourself?

2. Your manager congratulates you for a brilliant suggestion and hints at a promotion. Your employee gave you the idea. Do you mention this to the manager?

3. You’ve made a verbal agreement with a supplier. A competitor offers you a deal for 50% less. Do you take it the deal?

4. A colleague is out of his office. You notice his paycheck stub on his desk. Do you glance at it?

5. Your manager demands to know what a co-worker is saying behind his back. It’s not flattering. Do you tell him?

6. You’re reviewing the results of an employee survey and accidentally discover a way to see individual responses and comments. Do you keep reading or report the problem?

7. You’re traveling in Ladakh on business when you’re invited to a feast by shepherds. You’re given the sheep’s eyeball, the greatest delicacy. To refuse it is the greatest insult. Everyone’s watching. Do you gulp it down?

8. As a joke, a co-worker sends anonymous love letters to another co-worker who takes them seriously. Everyone is enjoying the prank. Do you expose it?

9. A disgruntled worker is brandishing an automatic weapon. You’re near a door. If you try to warn others you may not escape. Do you save yourself?

10. After closing a big deal, your manager surprises you with a warm, lingering hug. Do you tell your manager you’re not comfortable with this?

11. You’re playing tennis with your manager for the first time. You’re winning and your manager is getting angry. Do you let him win?

12. You want to quit a job without notice but you need a good reference from your employer. Do you invent a family health emergency?

13. You decide not to hire someone because he’s wearing a nose ring. When he asks why he didn’t make it, do you give the real reason?

14. You find an expensive pen in an airport lounge. Do you keep it?

15. A close friend will be interviewed for a job with your employer. He asks you for a list of the questions in advance. Do you supply it?

16. You have a struggling young company. You have to choose between two equal candidates for a job, a man and a woman. The woman will work for Rs.20000 per year less than the man. Do you hire her for that reason?

17. You’ve just been promoted to manager at the branch where you work. The person you’re dating has applied for a job there and would be reporting to you. Is this OK?


18. The customer wants a refund. You agree that a refund is called for but company policy says “No.” If you go to Corporate, the customer’s refund will be denied. If you act on your own authority, the customer will be satisfied, but you may get in trouble. What would you do?


19. The company procedure is very clear but you know a “better” way to do the job. Your productivity results are a bit low this month. If you use your new approach (and violate the “rules”) you can raise your results to an acceptable level. What would you do?


20. You are working to correct a mistake that your manager doesn’t know about. If you tell your manager, you will be blamed for the mistake. If you don’t tell your manager, you’ll miss your deadline. Do you tell?
Please Share your views and answers for the Same
Pinal Mehta
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Humor :- Right Attitute, Right Approach

23 Jul

Jack and Max are walking from religious service. Jack wonders whether it would be all right to smoke while praying.

Max replies, “Why don’t you ask the Priest?”

So Jack goes up to the Priest and asks, “Father, may I smoke while I pray ?”

The Priest replies, “No, my son, you may not! That’s utter disrespect to our religion.”

Jack goes back to his friend and tells him what the good Priest told him.

Max says, “I’m not surprised. You asked the wrong question. Let me try.”

And so Max goes up to the Priest and asks, “Father, may I pray while I smoke ?”

To which the Priest eagerly replies, “By all means, my son. By all means. You can always pray whenever you want to.”

Enjoy…!!! Have a nice day…

Office Humor :- Reducing Phone Bills

23 Jul

Family Phone Humor

Family Phone Humor

The phone bill was exceptionally high and the man of the house called a family meeting… on a Saturday morning… after breakfast…

Dad: People this is unacceptable. You have to limit the use of the phone. I do not use this phone, I use the one at the office.

Mum: Same here, I hardly use this home telephone as I use my work telephone.

Son: Me too, I never use the home phone. I always use my company mobile.

Maid: So – what is the problem? We all use our work telephones !



HR Humor :- Why HR ppl sometimes avoid taking Calls…

4 Mar

Confused HR - Pinals Cubicle

Confused HR - Pinal's Cubicle

Have you ever wondered why HR people ignore your calls? It’s because of people like this:

I overhear my receptionist fielding a phone call about a job. I hear her say to the person on the phone “What can I help you with?….I’m sorry the position has been filled…The position is filled…Yes, we’ve filled that position.” At this point my interest has perked because it’s obvious the person is not listening to her.

The receptionist promptly puts the man on hold and comes over to me. She proceeds to tell me that the man has asked if we can send him his resume back. I tell her no. She returns to the phone and tells him we need to keep the resume on file for a year. He proceeds to ask for a copy of it then.

So I pick up the phone and have the following conversation with him:
Me: Hi, can I help you?
Man: The position is filled?
Me: Which position?
Man: The cleaner.
Me: The maintenance position? Yes, we’ve filled that position.
Man: Was that part-time or full-time?
Me: That was a full-time position.
Man: Do you have any other part-time positions?
Me: No we do not currently. It’s rare that we have part-time positions available.
Man: Okay then. ::Hangs up::

Yep, this is what we deal with.



Humour – Indian Can’t be Terrorists

19 Nov

1. We are always late; we would have missed all 4 flights.

2. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.

3. With free food & drinks on the plane, we would forget why we’re There

4. We talk with our hands;therefore we would have to put our weapons down.

5. We would ALL want to fly the plane.

6. We would argue and start a fight in the plane.

7. We can’t keep a secret; we would have told everyone a week before doing it.

8. We would have put our country’s flag on the windshield.

9. We would have postponed the mission because a cricket match was going on that day

10. We would all have fallen over each other to be in the photograph being taken with one of the hostages.


Pinal Mehta

Office Humor

13 Oct

Office Humor

Office Humor

HR Humor

HR Humor

HR Humor

HR Humor